Highly necessary during the Republic's early years of instability and strife, following the Ruusan Reformation the Guardians took on an even larger role the Republic Army was disbanded and the Jedi were thrust into the role as defenders of the Republic. Master Sunburris recommended spending three hours a day on running, unarmed combat, and lightsaber practice. įocusing all their time and effort on honing their martial skills, Jedi Knights who chose to pursue the role of Guardian often built their lightsabers using a blue crystal symbolizing solidarity and uniformity among this class, though it is not a requirement. Descended from the Order's founders on Tython whose role in the galaxy was to defend the weak and uphold the laws of the Galactic Republic, the Guardians were often seen as representatives of the Order and the classic Jedi weapon: the lightsaber. Mainly concentrating on martial training and combat, Guardians engaged in combat more than either of the other two classes of Jedi the Consulars or the Sentinels.
Remember this, all Jedi should.' ―A footnote written by Yoda in a copy of The Jedi Path